Gewina-Symposium: Van Lectio tot PowerPoint. Over de geschiedenis van het onderwijs aan de Nederlandse universiteiten (Utrecht, 26 november 2010)

Menige universitaire docent vertoont op college foto’s of fragmenten van tv-uitzendingen, documentaires, interviews en zelfs van speelfilms. In een handomdraai laat hij of zij veel voorkomende ziektebeelden of oude handschriften op een beeldscherm verschijnen. Anderen ondersteunen hun college met grafieken en tabellen. Al deze hulpmiddelen dienen om de aandacht van de studenten vast te houden en hen met de docent te laten meedenken. Het gebruik ervan maakt duidelijk dat tegenwoordig veel belang wordt gehecht aan de didactiek en de effectiviteit van het onderwijs. Lees meer…

Studium: instructions for authors

Studium is a double ‘peer-reviewed’ journal, publishing research papers on the History of Scholarship, Science, Medicine, Technology and Universities. It is the official journal of GEWINA, the Low Countries Society for these fields, founded in 1913.

Studium does not limit itself to a particular period, field or place. It does however give special attention to the Low Countries and its former colonies.

Studium has a publishing frequency of four issues a year (from 2011 onwards three issues). The editorial board tries to publish once a year a number devoted to a special theme. The main languages of Studium are Dutch and French, but also papers in the English or German languages can be submitted. In principle, the length of a paper is some 5.000 words (main text without references), but after consultation of the editors this rule can be adapted. Submitted papers must be original and based on innovative research. Each paper will be submitted to an external referee procedure. The editors base their decision on these referee reports.

Apart from genuine scholarly papers, in the section ‘Pandora’s box’, Studium also publishes small notes, archival findings, description of instruments, etc. Calls for papers, and other announcements are published on the website of the Society Gewina, nowadays a part of the “Dutch – History of Science – Web Centre” (DWC),

Authors are requested to submit their text in a digital format at the Editor-in-chief,

After the final acceptance the manuscript has to be submitted in the following way:

  1. The text of the paper is in Word. References are given in footnotes according to the module in Word. The reference numbers are placed after the punctuation marks. In the text and footnotes only itilac is used (no bold!). Section marks are not numbered.
  2. The references to the authors address and other remarks (such as acknowledgements) are placed in an unnumbered asterisk reference (*) at the authors name.
  3. Every accepted paper is accompanied by an English abstract.
  4. The style sheet is as follows:
    1. C.L. Thijssen-Schoute, Nederlands cartesianisme, Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afdeling letterkunde, nieuwe reeks 60 (Amsterdam 1954) 56.
    2. A.R. Hall e.a. (ed.), The correspondence of Henry Oldenburg, vol. 11 (London 1977) 178.
    3. G.A. Lindeboom, ‘Het Collegium privatum Amstelodamense (1644-1673)’, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 119 (1975) 1248-1254, m.n. 1250.
    4. M.B. Hall, ‘Huygens’ scientific contacts with England’, in: H.J.M. Bos e.a. ed., Studies on Christiaan Huygens. Invited papers from the symposium on the life and work of Christiaan Huygens (Lisse 1980) 66-82.
    5. Thijssen-Schoute, Nederlands cartesianisme (n. 1) 38.
    6. Ibidem 42.
  5. Illustrations should be submitted digitally, but always as separate files (i.e., not included in the word processing file) – preferably as TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) and a minimum width of 12 centimeters (5 inches). This means a minimum width of 1417 pixels. Clear photographs or line drawings can also be used.


Studium is the official journal of Gewina, the Dutch Society for the History of Science and Universities (est. 1913). It is published in co-operation with the Huygens Institute of Netherlands History of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The journal presents scholarly articles and book reviews devoted to the history of science, scholarship and academic culture – in its broadest sense. Even though there is no limitation to any specific period or topic, the journal is especially (although not exclusively) interested in the Low Countries and their former colonies.

Contributions should be original, based upon original research, and written in either English, French, or Dutch. The editorial board applies a double blind peer review procedure in assessing contributions.

Studium is the successor to:


In addition to regular articles, Studium contains a number of sections. Archival and object discoveries are the subject of ‘Pandora’s Box’; new publications in the area of the history of sciences are discussed in the reviews section.


Contributions to the journal should be submitted by email to Click here to view the instructions for authors.

Editorial board

Advisory Board

  • Harold J. Cook
  • Mordechai Feingold
  • Willem Frijhoff
  • Robert Jütte
  • Harmke Kamminga
  • Hilde de Ridder-Symoens
  • Nicolaas Rupke
  • Jo Tollebeek


Memers of the Gewina Society will receive Studium free of charge. Membership fees are EUR 34,50 per annum (students EUR 23).

All requests relating to membership are to be submitted to:

  • Secretary of Gewina Drs. L. Palm Instituut voor Geschiedenis en Grondslagen van de Natuurwetenschappen Postbus 80 010, 3508 TA Utrecht The Netherlands Tel: +31 (30) 253 8283 E-mail: Payments may be made to ING bank account no. 91341 (c/o ‘Penningmeester Gewina’) (IBAN code: NL73 INGB 0000091341 | BIC/SWIFT code: INGBNL2A)

Institutional subscriptions and separate issues

Separate issues: EUR 13,50 each Theme issues: EUR 17,50 each