Job: Beleidsmedewerker Presentatie Erfgoed (TU Delft; Deadline 4 december 2016)

De TU Delft Library is op zoek naar een Beleidsmedewerker presentatie Erfgoed. Je bent verantwoordelijk voor het beleid en de uitvoering rond de zichtbaarheid van het academisch erfgoed. De komende jaren wil de TU Delft Library zoveel mogelijk mensen kennis laten maken met de collectie en de bekendheid ervan vergroten. Zij wil dat erfgoed een van de verbindende factoren is in de op te bouwen community. Lees meer…

Prijsvraag 2016 Teylers Tweede Genootschap te Haarlem, "Schoolvorming in de natuurwetenschappen" (Deadline: 1 januari 2017)

In het kader van de ruim 200-jarige traditie van Teylers Stichting om wetenschappelijk onderzoek te bevorderen, hebben Directeuren van Teylers Stichting en de leden van Teylers Tweede Genootschap besloten voor het jaar 2014 een prijsvraag uit te schrijven over een onderwerp uit de natuurkunde. Lees meer…

CfP Reminder: Histories of Healthy Ageing (Groningen, 21-23 June 2017; Deadline 1 December 2016)

As Western populations grow increasingly older, ‘healthy ageing’ is presented as one of today’s greatest medical and societal challenges. However, contrary to what many policy makers want us to believe, the aspiration to live long, healthy and happy lives is not a problem speci@ic to our times. On the contrary successful ageing has a long history. Lees meer…

[Call for Papers] Corpus Historicus: the Body in/of History (Sosnowiec, 30 June – 1 July 2017; Deadline 30 January 2017)

The significance of the body in the context of historical narratives has been paramount for the understanding of the contemporary human condition and of the past by which it has been shaped. Our perception of the body and the bodily, seen as both the object and the subject in and of history, has influenced our current understanding of both individual and collective narratives of the past, since, in the words of Donna McCormack, “[f]lesh is woven into history as both the bloody deaths necessary to achieve the desired goals and the skin on which it has become possible to write these new foundational narratives.” Lees meer…

Reminder and deadline extension: Call for Papers 7th Gewina Conference for the History of Science in the Netherlands: Materiality, Museums and Media. History of Science, Presentation, and Outreach (Zeist, 23-24 June 2017; Deadline 20 January 2017)


On 23 & 24 June 2017 the Society for the History of Science in the Low Countries, Gewina, will organize its seventh biannual meeting in the usual venue of Woudschoten, near Zeist. This two-day conference is intended to bring together those who share an interest in the history of science in the Netherlands, as well as discussing the current and future developments in the field. The 2017 meeting shall be devoted to Materiality, Museums and Media: History of Science, Presentation, and OutreachLees meer…

[Herinnering] Thijssen-Schoute MA Thesis Award 2016 (Deadline: 1 December 2016)

The Dr. C. Louise Thijssen-Schoute Foundation is soliciting nominations for the 2016 award for the best MA-thesis on early modern Dutch intellectual history. Established in 1961, Louise Thijssen-Schoute Foundation aims to encourage research in the history of ideas of the early modern Netherlands. Lees meer…

[Call for papers] History of Science PhD Conference (De Glind, Gelderland, 12-13 January 2017; Deadline 14 November 2016)

We cordially interested parties to the sixth edition of the biennial History of Science PhD-Conference (Promovendicongres Wetenschapsgeschiedenis) that will take place on Thursday January 12 and Friday January 13, 2017 in conference center De Glind (Gelderland). In previous years, the conference took place at Rolduc Abbey. Lees meer…

[Blogpost] How do you write? (Timo Bolt)

Door Timo Bolt

In mijn vorige bijdrage aan Shells & Pebbles, getiteld ‘why do you write?’, schreef ik over een ingezonden brief die onder diezelfde kop in 1976 werd gepubliceerd in The Lancet. De auteur, de Ierse arts J.B. Healy, vroeg zich daarin af waarom er zo ‘monsterlijk’ veel artikelen in medische tijdschriften werden gepubliceerd. Was het hoofddoel nieuwe kennis te verspreiden en de geneeskunde te verbeteren? Of ging het primair om het publiceren van zoveel mogelijk papers, in het belang van de auteur(s) zelf? Om deze vragen te kunnen beantwoorden deed Healy het voorstel om voor de periode van een jaar een moratorium in te stellen ‘on the appending of authors’ names and of the names of hospitals to articles in medical journals.’ Mocht vervolgens blijken dat er veel minder artikelen zouden worden aangeboden aan tijdschriftredacties, dan zou de medisch-wetenschappelijke gemeenschap ‘zichzelf ontmaskerd hebben’, aldus Healy.

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[Call for applications] Ischia Summer School on the History of the Life Sciences 2017 (24 June – 1 July 2017; Deadline 28 February 2017)

Applications are invited for a week-long summer school, which provides advanced training in history of the life sciences through lectures, seminars and discussions in a historically rich and naturally beautiful setting. The theme for 2017 is ‘Cycles of Life’. The confirmed faculty are Warwick Anderson (University of Sydney), Peder Anker (New York University), Ariane Droescher (University of Bologna), Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute, London), Mathias Grote (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Shigehisa Kuriyama (Harvard University), Maaike van der Lugt (Université Paris Diderot), Lynn Nyhart (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (MPIWG, Berlin) and Lucy van der Wiel (University of Cambridge). Lees meer…

Conference: Stevin Inside Out: New Perspectives on Simon Stevin (Amsterdam, 16-17 December 2016)

The Stevin Centre for History of Science and Humanities, founded in 2014, offers a platform for teaching and research in the history of science and the humanities at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and it organizes seminars, colloquia and workshops, see On 16 and 17 December 2016, the Stevin Centre together with Resesarch Institute CLUE+ organizes a two-day conference in Amsterdam devoted to the work of Simon Stevin. Lees meer…