Job: Bijzonder hoogleraar Europese vroegmoderne ideeëngeschiedenis (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen; Deadline 18 april)

De Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen zoekt een Bijzonder hoogleraar Europese vroegmoderne ideeëngeschiedenis (0,2 fte; onbezoldigd).

U doet onderzoek naar en geeft onderwijs over de vroegmoderne Europese ideeëngeschiedenis, met een accent op de geschiedenis van de filosofie. U bent werkzaam bij de leerstoelgroep Cultuurgeschiedenis van de Faculteit der Letteren, met de opdracht om een stimulerende brugfunctie te vervullen in het onderzoek op het gebied van de vroegmoderne ideeëngeschiedenis aan de Faculteit der Letteren (FdL) en de Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen (FFTR). Lees meer…

News: Opening of Vossius Centre and launch of History of the Humanities journal (University of Amsterdam)

How are the many academic disciplines connected, and how does knowledge from one discipline reinforce knowledge in another discipline? Due to increasing specialisation and fragmentation we as academics do not know each other’s disciplines any more. And yet the history of science and humanities shows that important innovations and discoveries are found exactly where disciplines interact or co-operate. Lees meer…

Report: Medieval Margins in Leiden (17 March)

On 17 March, John Contreni, Evina Steinova and Mariken Teeuwen presented three papers on their research in the Vossius Room of Leiden University Library, followed by a small display of manuscripts from the Leiden collection. John Contreni kicked off with a lecture titled “What were they thinking? Decoding technical symbols in four ninth-century manuscripts.” He showed a group of 4 exegetical manuscripts from Laon (Berlin, Phill. 1731, Laon 37, Laon 38 and Laon 80), in which the technical signs that are the subject of Evina’s research, attention signs, require signs, quotation signs, signs signalling structure or interpunction, frequently occur. So far, Contreni had not been able to fully understand them, but with the analysis of the signs by Evina in hand, he started to see how these signs made sense, and how they can be used to reconstruct a working process of the annotators: what were they thinking and what were they achieving to do with their texts?

Read more on the Voices from the Edge blog

Göttingen Summer School 2016: "Collecting and the Knowledge of Objects" (5-10 September 2016)

The Lichtenberg-Kolleg and the Zentrale Kustodie (office for collection development) are hosting a summer school for PhD students interested in the material culture of knowledge. Entitled Collecting and the Knowledge of Objects, 1700-1900, the summer school invites applications from researchers working on questions concerning the role of objects and collections in the processes of knowledge production and object based research in the humanities. Lees meer…

Job: AHRC-funded PhD Studentship "Instruments and their makers: A study of experiment, collaboration and identity in seventeenth-century London" (University of York / Science Museum; Deadline 15 April 2016)

In collaboration with the Science Museum, London, the University of York announces a fully-funded 3-year PhD studentship on the topic of ‘Instruments and their makers: A study of experiment, collaboration and identity in seventeenth-century London’. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), this PhD project offers an excellent opportunity for the successful candidate to pursue doctoral research in history while gaining first-hand experience of work within a museum setting, and to contribute to bringing the two sectors into fruitful interaction. Lees meer…

Workshop: Gems in Transit: Materials, Values and Knowledge in the Early Modern World, 1400-1800 (Amsterdam/Utrecht, 7-8 April 2016)

In the early modern period, as today, gems were the ultimate ‘hybrid objects.’ They played key roles in decorative art, global trade, and science and medicine. The aim of this workshop is to connect the many roles of early modern gems by bringing together historians of different stripes who study gems as material objects. Lees meer…

Call for Papers: "The Making of the Humanities V" (Baltimore, 5-7 October 2016; Deadline 30 April 2016)

The fifth conference on the history of the humanities, ‘The Making of the Humanities V’, will take place at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (USA), from 5 until 7 October 2016. Lees meer…

Symposium Chemie Historische Groep "Op bezoek bij Martinus van Marum” (Haarlem, 15 april 2016)

De Chemie Historische Groep (=CHG) van de KNCV nodigt U van harte uit voor een chemie-historisch symposium op 15 april a.s. in het Teylers Museum te Haarlem. Het symposium is getiteld “Op bezoek bij Martinus van Marum”, wat inhoudt, dat we enerzijds stil willen staan bij de verdiensten van de Nederlandse scheikundigen, waaronder van Marum zelf, rond 1800. Anderzijds willen we ook aandacht besteden aan de instrumenten, waarmee van Marum heeft gewerkt en zoals deze nog in het Teylers Museum zijn te bewonderen. Lees meer…

Symposium en tentoonstelling "De wereld van de zuidelijke geleerden tijdens het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1815-1830) / De rol van de heropgerichte Académie royale de sciences et lettres de Bruxelles (1816)" (Brussel, 24 maart 2016)

200 jaar geleden werd onder Willem I de Brusselse Academie voor Wetenschappen en Letteren (her)opgericht. Welke rol speelde de Académie royale des sciences et des belles lettres de Bruxelles in de georganiseerde ‘wereld van geleerden’?

U bent van harte welkom op het colloquium van 24 maart in het Paleis der Academiën. Het colloquium gaat dieper in op de politieke context, de wetenschapsopvatting en -beoefening in die tijd. Nadien is er ruimte voor debat en wordt een tentoonstelling van de ARB-KVAB geopend over de Academie tijdens het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden en in het postrevolutionaire België. Lees meer…

Job: PhD position "Emanuel Mendes da Costa (1717-1791): multicultural and multinational networks in Georgian London" (University of Lincoln)

The University of Lincoln, in partnership with the Royal Society and the Science Museum, is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified UK/EU candidate for a full-time Collaborative Doctoral Award. The award is funded by the UK AHRC to conduct research on the lives and letters of Emanuel Mendes da Costa (1717-91).

Da Costa was a Royal Society secretary, conchologist, antiquarian, and member of the Sephardic London Community. He was a leading collector in the crux of a transition in natural history, moving from baroque cabinets of curiosities to Linnaean Enlightenment taxonomy. By studying his scientific works and largely unknown correspondence network in the Royal Society, British Library, the Lincoln Cathedral, and other repositories, the student will analyse both his fixed beliefs and impact of innovation in natural history.  In its analysis of Da Costa’s life and letters, the PhD’s research also will elucidate the status of Jews in Georgian England, and the social norms and multicultural and multinational bounds of scientific reputations within and without The Royal Society. Lees meer…